Emergency Medicine

Emergency Department is managed by specially trained doctors who deliver a wide range of services. It includes initial assessment and early treatment in resuscitation, trauma, and medical and paediatric emergency including surgery and anesthesia.
- The emergency care team is fully backed by consultants for all specialties and super specialties round the clock. These consultants will attend to these patients within a time and frame required treatment will be initiated.
- The accident and trauma system has been fully integrated into this department and they strive to meet the needs of all injured or emergent patients requiring acute care facility, including complicated/ multiple injuries.
- The goal is to match a facility’s resources with a patient’s needs so that optimal and cost-effective care is achieved.
- This department provides a systematic approach that can provide “fast track” services for people with rapidly curable illness or injury, or organize transfer to higher centers in adequate time. This will ensure quicker treatment for patients to save the life.
- Resuscitation is the most important section of an emergency room. The department is responsible for the immediate treatment of medical or surgical emergencies, for initiating lifesaving procedures in emergency situations, and for providing emergency care for other conditions, including chronic medical problems.
- We have a wide range of emergency care and patient monitoring equipment, as required for life saving procedure.
- We have common policies and procedure guidelines for provision of uniform emergency care.
- The curriculum includes administrative components such as Leadership, System development, Legislation and Finances as well as operational and clinical components such as injury prevention and control, pre-hospital care and definitive care facilities including insurance scheme.