
Dermatology is the branch of medicine that deals with hair, nails, skin and its diseases. It is a specialty with both medical and surgical aspects.
- Dermatologists in our St. Peter’s Medical College Hospital treat diseases in the widest sense and address cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails. The department also incorporates venereology (the branch of medicine for sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS).
- As a subject, dermatology represents clinical, pathological, and surgical perspectives.
- The training involves students learning the basics of diagnosing skin problems, their clinical aspects, and ways to manage and treat them effectively and economically.
- Apart from real-time observation, students have access to audio-visual facilities through which they can observe procedures being performed.
- In addition to learning about dermatological problems and their management, UG students are also introduced to cosmetic dermatology. They learn how to counsel and refer patients to specialists.
- The department has various kinds of lasers, phototherapy units, and high-end microscopes. The facilities also include those needed to perform minor surgical procedures.
- Faculty research projects are often funded by external organizations such as Tamil Nadu Dermatological Society and Indian Association of Dermatologists.