About The Department

Obstetrics and Gynecology (OBG) are the two surgical specialties dealing with the female reproductive organs. Obstetrics is the Medical & surgical specialty dealing with the care of a antenatal woman and post partum care for mother and child.

Gynecology is the branch of Medical & surgical specialty that deals diseases related to uterus, ovaries, infertility problems and diseases of women, especially of the reproductive organs.

  • The departmental objectives are to encourage medical graduates to practice the subject of Obstetrics and Gynecology with sincerity, while adhering to ethical principles.
  • The department places emphasis not just on course curriculum but also on a humaneness that can redefine the doctor-patient relationship.
  • The training involves both theory and practicals. Students also learn the vital aspects of history-taking, examination, diagnosis and treatment.
  • Near-miss and mortality meetings are a highlight of the Department of Obstetrics.
  • The presence of a blood bank ensures emergency cases are treated in time and lives are saved.
  • The facilities also make space for infertility and laparoscopic surgeries.
  • Breast feeding training for the postnatal mothers plays a vital role in the care of a mother.
  • A periodical antenatal visit for antenatal mothers every month in first 28 weeks, thrice a month till 36 weeks and every week thereafter till delivery for optimum care.
  • Detecting cervical cancer in the primary level by cervical screening with PAP smear with VIA , VILI, cervical biopsy are done at St. Peter’s Medical College Hospital and Research Institute.
  • The scope of IVI, IVF, and ICSI is high in the near future for infertility patients.
  • The students can learn advanced treatments strategies in OBG in their UG curriculum.
  • The investigative procedures like hysteroscopy, diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy for unexplained infertility are also done




Vision & Mission