Best Practices

The Best practice in our Institution is conducting free health camps in remote villages in our vicinity, in line with the thought processes of our Chairman.  It includes providing initial care and create awareness among the people in life-threatening conditions.  Additionally, we also provide free and good quality medical services for BPL population, thereby reflecting the unique strengths and goals of medical code of ethics. 

We also raise health awareness among the community and teach them to deal with communicable and non-communicable diseases.  We register rare and severe cases and refer them to our hospital for further evaluation.  We refer medical cases towards surgeries if required.  Health camps include free eye check-up, General health check-up, free OG clinic for Rural Women population etc.  

The village adoption scheme is yet another brainchild of our founder Chairman.  His home town is a village near Bargur.  He is determined to provide comprehensive general as well as specialist healthcare services to people living in his native village. This scheme is formulated and now is growing to provide free medical and healthcare services to villagers of Krishnagiri District. The villagers who consult the St. Peter’s Medical College for their ailments are also treated free of cost.

Other best practices in our Institution includes practicing yoga among students and teachers, plastic free campus and maintaining the greenery.